Grammarly Premium Alternative Free in 2024: Best & Accurate Tool

By Bhargab
17 Min Read

If you’re a writer aiming for a seamless writing process without any hassle, using a grammar checker can be a great help. While Grammarly is a popular choice, if it doesn’t meet your preferences, there are excellent free alternatives to consider. Here’s a list of 5 Grammarly Premium Alternative Free in 2024. Let’s explore each one!

1.Hemingway Editor :Grammarly Premium Alternative Free

Hemingway Editor is a free online proofreading tool that analyzes your writing and highlights issues that affect readability and clarity. Here’s an overview of how it works:

Hemingway Editor

When you paste your text into Hemingway Editor, it goes through your writing sentence-by-sentence and color codes each one based on its level of complexity and ease of reading.

  • Green highlights indicate sentences that are easy to understand
  • Blue highlights show sentences that could be clearer or split into multiple sentences
  • Yellow highlights point out overly complex sentences that may frustrate readers
  • Red highlights signal sentences that are so dense they should be rewritten

As Hemingway analyzes your text, it shows readability metrics like grade level, reading time, number of adverbs used, use of passive voice, and more. This data helps you identify sections that sound complex, unclear, or wordy.

The tool also suggests edits to simplify wordy phrases, transition passive voice to active voice, replace overused words, highlight cliches to avoid, and break extremely long sentences into two.

You can then go through your text and implement the suggested edits to clarify your language and improve readability. The color coded highlights and metrics help efficiently identify problem areas so you know what sections need simplifying.

In a nutshell, Hemingway Editor uses color coding and data to pinpoint readability issues in your writing and provide specific simplifying edits to help you communicate your ideas more clearly.

Here are some of the main pros and cons of using the Hemingway Editor as a grammar checking and proofreading tool:


  • It’s completely free to use with no limited trials or paywalls
  • Very simple, intuitive interface that’s easy to paste writing into
  • Color coded highlights make readability and grammar issues easy to identify
  • Provides specific simplifying edits and suggestions for improvements
  • Focuses on clarity and conciseness rather than complex grammar rules
  • Supports multiple languages including English, Italian, French, German
  • Gives helpful readability metrics like grade level and reading time
  • Integrates easily with popular word processors


  • Accuracy is not 100% perfect and it may miss some grammar or spelling errors
  • The free version lacks some premium capabilities like additional style checks
  • Suggested edits must be reviewed; they are not all automatically made
  • Readability metrics may not be useful for very technical/complex pieces
  • Language support outside major languages is limited
  • Limited plagiarism checking capabilities

Overall, Hemingway Editor excels at catching common grammar trouble spots, identifying unclear phrasing, and simplifying writing for free. As long as you review its suggestions instead of blindly accepting all edits, it can be an extremely helpful writing tool.

2. ProWritingAid: Grammarly Premium Alternative Free


ProWritingAid is an online editing tool that provides in-depth writing analysis and constructive feedback to help writers improve their work. Here’s an overview of how it works:

To use ProWritingAid, you either copy/paste your writing directly into the web app or upload your document. It supports many file formats including MS Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, and more.

Once your writing is processed, ProWritingAid generates over 20 different reports focused on key aspects of strong writing – everything from grammar and spelling to pacing, readability, repetitiveness and more.

You can click into each report to view highlighted excerpts from your text along with explanations and suggestions for improvements on things like sentence length variation, passive voice, hidden verbs, cliches, vocabulary overuse and more.

The tool digs deeper than just basic grammar and spell check. For example, the Pacing Report looks at sentence length variety to improve flow. The Consistency check ensures proper character and place names. The Dialogue tags report improves readability of conversations.

ProWritingAid offers a usable Free version, but upgrade options are available to unlock additional style guides, increased word count allowances, archived versions and more.

Overall, ProWritingAid goes way beyond Microsoft Word spell check to provide actionable suggestions and writing analysis to help writers craft clear, engaging, error-free content. The reports shine a helpful spotlight on areas for improvement.

Here is an overview of some of the key pros and cons of using the ProWritingAid editing tool:


  • Provides numerous granular writing reports focused on readability, structure, repetition, grammar, accuracy, and more
  • Detailed highlighting and explanations allow for easy identification of issues
  • Analyzes writing style and technical aspects like pacing, dialogue, descriptions
  • Offers suggestions and actionable ways to improve unclear phrasing
  • Free version available with decent functionality
  • Easy to use interface to paste in writing
  • Supports many file type imports/exports
  • Integrates with popular word processors like Word, Scrivener


  • Accuracy of suggestions may vary requiring oversight and selectivity
  • Only allows a limited number of checks per day on free version
  • Requires paragraphs/excerpts for most style reports rather than full book/article uploads
  • Some suggestions may be too technically focused for creative writing styles
  • No assessment of story structure, character development etc.
  • Linking third-party writing apps functionality could be better
  • Free version lacks custom style guide configuration features

In summary, ProWritingAid provides comprehensive writing feedback, but balances strengths and weaknesses. It offers significant value, but has some minor limitations mostly imposed by free version caps. Overall very helpful for improving clarity and style.

3.Google Docs :Grammarly Premium Alternative Free

Google Docs

Google Docs provides integrated spelling and grammar checking capabilities to help catch writing errors without needing additional tools or plugins. Here’s an overview of how its proofreading features work:

As soon as text is typed into a Google Doc, the service analyzes it in real time for potential spelling and basic grammar issues and immediately underlines those areas with a red squiggly line.

You can then right-click on any underlined words or phrases to bring up a context menu. This menu shows possible corrections for misspellings or replacement suggestions for repetitive or inappropriate wording.

For grammar, if you have an incorrect conjugation, tense issue, subject-verb agreement problem, or another structural error, Google Docs displays a separate message explaining the potential issue to provide guidance.

As a document is edited, Google Docs also uses algorithms to perform additional contextual grammar checks in the background. New issues may be dynamically highlighted for correction if they are detected.

While human review is still required, the tools do catch many common grammar, spelling, and wording problems in real-time. This helps you resolve them promptly as you write instead of reviewing issues after completion.

Finally, Google Docs provides a summarize and clean up feature that condenses wordy sentences, removes redundancies, highlights passive voice, and more to help tighten up the writing in one simple step.

In summary, Google Docs provides helpful integrated proofreading on the go to address spelling, grammar, repetition, and clarity issues in documents without extra cost or plugins. The tools are basic but do surface many common writing problems.

Here are some of the major pros and cons of using Google Docs for writing and proofreading:


  • Built-in spell check and grammar check catch errors quickly during writing
  • Provides smart editing suggestions for misspellings and grammar errors
  • Real-time collaboration allowing live feedback from editors/co-writers
  • Revision history shows changes over time and allows reverting back
  • Summarize and cleanup features help tighten documents
  • Accessible from any device with internet browser
  • Secure cloud storage protects documents from loss
  • Completely free to use even with advanced features
  • Supports document formatting for styling and layout
  • Easy sharing settings enable collecting feedback


  • Accuracy of proofreading is not 100% requiring human eye
  • Lacks specialized editing functions seen in premium software
  • Grammar checker functionality not as robust as standalone tools
  • Mobile apps lack full capabilities seen in browser version
  • Document layout and aligning elements can be tricky
  • Number of formatting options more limited than desktop publishers
  • Not ideal for complex technical documents or book publishing
  • Dependence on internet connection to access documents

Overall, Google Docs proofreading and collaboration abilities make it an easy choice for basic documents. Limitations really only emerge for advanced lengthy publishing projects. For most common tasks, the free built-in checking is extremely helpful.

4.Microsoft Word or Apple Pages: Grammarly Premium Alternative Free

Microsoft Word
Apple Pages

Microsoft Word and Apple Pages both have integrated spelling and grammar checking capabilities to help catch common writing errors as you type. Here is an overview of how these proofreading features work in Word and Pages:

Spell Check

  • Misspelled words are underlined in red as you type
  • Right click the word to see suggested corrections
  • You can ignore or add words to custom dictionary

Grammar Check

  • Squiggly blue line indicates grammar issue may exist
  • Click to see options for correcting things like tense, conjugation, punctuation, etc.
  • The grammar checker explains each suggestion so you can learn

Additional Writing Suggestions

  • Phrases highlighted prompt rephrasing for greater clarity
  • Passive voice and repetitive words are flagged to tighten writing
  • Cliches, biased language, and insensitive words suggested to avoid

Readability Scores

  • Built-in rating for reading ease using word choice, syllables, sentence length
  • Helps you aim for optimal scores by age group and grade level

Between real-time spelling and grammar monitoring, additional writing tips, and readability ratings, both Word and Pages embed helpful proofreading guidance free of charge. While not perfect, they catch many common errors if used thoroughly. The grammar and spelling checkers serve as a solid first pass.

Here are some of the main pros and cons of using the built-in proofreading capabilities in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages:


  • Free spelling and grammar checking if you already own the software
  • Catch some errors in real-time as you type
  • Easy to right-click to see suggestions for fixing issues
  • Grammar checker provides explanations for its corrections
  • Readability scores help aim for optimal syllable counts
  • Flags some biased and insensitive phrases for rewriting
  • Both very accessible and widely used programs
  • Tight integration and ease of use
  • Help embed good proofreading habits


  • Neither have the most advanced grammar/spell check capabilities
  • Can miss some errors or make incorrect change suggestions
  • Limited to these two software platforms only
  • Feature set not as robust as dedicated proofreading programs
  • Readability scoring not useful for certain complex documents
  • Only suggests changes rather than making edits automatically
  • Won’t catch plagiarism or more subtle style problems

In summary, the built-in capabilities provide decent assistance catching common grammar and spelling errors in Word and Pages. But dedicated proofreading tools will likely find more advanced issues. Using it along with other checkers helps mitigate the cons.

5.Language Tool: Grammarly Premium Alternative Free

Language Tool
Language Tool

Language Tool is a free, open-source proofreading program that reviews writing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style issues. Here is an overview of how it works:

To use Language Tool, you can either paste text directly into the web interface or open the standalone desktop application and input your writing there. It supports multiple file formats like Word, OpenOffice, HTML, Text, and more.

Once Language Tool processes the writing sample, it goes through the content line-by-line highlighting potential issues in different colors:

  • Red – Spelling errors
  • Blue – Grammar problems
  • Green – Style suggestions
  • Orange – Punctuation inconsistencies

You can click on each highlighted phrase to see details about the suspected error. Language Tool provides a short explanation and in many cases gives examples of correct usage to teach proper mechanics as you edit.

The program checks for problems like subject-verb agreement, verb tense, double words, capitalization errors, wordy phrases, misused pronouns, improper punctuation, misarranged clauses, and hundreds of other grammar principles.

As you make corrections, Language Tool dynamically rescan and updates highlighted areas. Comparisons against their extensive grammar rules make the program capable of identifying even obscure issues.

In summary, Language Tool leverages comprehensive databases of grammar guidelines and patterns to give writers free, advanced proofreading capabilities with detailed explanatory feedback. Integrations make it easy to check writing from common word processor programs.

Here are some of the main pros and cons of using Language Tool for proofreading text:


  • It’s completely free to use even in the advanced desktop app version
  • Provides corrections and explanations for a wide array of grammar and spelling rules
  • Catches difficult errors beyond just what a basic spellcheck would find
  • Supports multiple file formats for checking Word docs, web text, etc.
  • Quickly identifies where issues exist via the colored highlighting
  • Offers suggestions for improving awkward or unclear phrasing
  • Customization allows choosing specific rule sets by dialect or language
  • Actively updated and enhanced database of grammar principles


  • User interface has somewhat dated visual design
  • Accuracy still imperfect requiring human review
  • Installation/integration with some processors could be easier
  • Focus on technical grammar rules may not suit some writing styles
  • Slowdown scanning extremely long documents
  • Lacks plagiarism detection capabilities
  • No real glossary/vocabulary enhancement features
  • Only makes suggestions, not actual edits to writing

Overall, Language Tool provides very robust grammar, spelling, and punctuation corrections completely free. For formal writing adherence to rules, it works great. The dated design takes slightly away but functionality is more important.

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