Best Free AI Content Generator for Bloggers in Details

By Bhargab
12 Min Read

Best Free AI Content Generator- Artificial intelligence has revolutionized content creation and publishing. AI writing tools help bloggers quickly research topics, generate ideas, and even create full blog posts with just a few prompts. These tools drastically cut down on writing time so you can focus more on optimizing and promoting your content.

Why Use AI Writing Tools?

Best Free AI Content Generator for Bloggers
Best Free AI Content Generator for Bloggers

Here are the top reasons bloggers should consider incorporating AI writing assistants:

1. Save Time Writing Drafts

AI tools like Jasper, Contently, and INK can generate complete blog posts by analyzing your inputs for tone, context and keywords. This creates an initial draft to build upon.

2. Enhance Your Research

Tools like Shortly and Wolfram Alpha provide data-driven insights related to your topic so you can validate ideas. This helps bloggers back up points with facts.

3. Overcome Writer’s Block

If you feel stuck trying to develop new ideas or fresh angles, apps like Rytr, BlogGenius and Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator offer prompts and suggestions to spur creativity.

4. Improve Keyword Targeting

SEO tools like MarketMuse, SurferSEO and UberSuggest make keyword research efficient so you know what terms will drive traffic.

Best Free AI Content Generator

Here are some details on the best free AI content generators for bloggers:

ChatGPT (

ChatGPT (
Best Free AI Content Generator : ChatGPT
  • Created by OpenAI, this conversational AI can generate high-quality long-form content on any topic with just a text prompt. It’s one of the most advanced free options.
  • All you need is an email to sign up. You get a certain number of free tokens to generate content each month.
  • Very adaptable to writing different styles and formats like blog posts, emails, social media captions, etc. Just provide it with some examples of what you want.
  • Great for drafting and outlining blog post ideas. May need some light editing for the final published piece.

Jasper ( Free AI Content Generator

  • AI writing assistant focused specifically on blog content like headlines, openings, meta descriptions etc.
  • Has a generous free tier with 50 credits per month, enough for basic content needs.
  • Specializes in marketing and SEO style blog writing. Provides data-driven recommendations for topics and keywords.
  • Easy to use visual interface. No coding required.

Rytr ( Free AI Content Generator

  • Long-form AI content generator designed for blogs, articles, essays and more.
  • Free version gives you 5 generations of 600 words each per month. Helpful for drafting paragraph ideas.
  • Advanced paid version available. Good for researching topics, writing full posts, copy editing and more.
  • Completed pieces may still require review before publishing. But content requires less edits than other tools.

Shortly Read ( Free AI Content Generator

  • Specifically designed for drafting short blog content like intros and summaries.
  • Browser extension scans online articles and uses AI to create short summaries.
  • Free version has limited usage. But helpful for writing opening hooks and introductions.

Writesonic ( Free AI Content Generator

  • AI tool focused solely on blog writing assistance. Creates posts, headlines, and more.
  • Free version generates up to five blog articles per month up to 1,000 words each.
  • Good for producing complete draft posts on trending topics and keywords. May still need review before publishing. Free AI Content Generator

  • Made primarily for marketing copy, but flexible for blog writing too.
  • Free version generates unlimited blog ideas and headlines. Plus up to 3 full blog article drafts per month.
  • Specializes in engaging, conversion-focused writing. Recommends topics and helps structure posts.

Jarvis by Alexa ( Free AI Content Generator

  • Create an Alexa developer account to access Jarvis, a capable AI writing assistant.
  • Free allowance is limited. But can be used to generate paragraph ideas and draft content.
  • Strong technical writing capabilities suitable for tutorials and platform documentation blogs.

Those are some top recommendations for quality and capable free AI assistants to help generate blog content quickly and easily. With the right guidance and prompts, these tools can save bloggers hours while still creating original high-performing articles.

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How AI Content Writing Tools Work

AI content writing tools utilize machine learning models to generate written content automatically. Here is a high-level overview of how they work:

Data Collection: The AI models require large datasets of text to train on. The companies creating these tools will scrape or access open datasets of articles, blogs, Wikipedia entries, books, etc. to supply training data to the models.

Training: The text data is fed into machine learning algorithms – usually some form of natural language processing model. These models analyze the patterns and structures within the text to learn how to generate similar content. Transformer models like GPT-3 are commonly used.

Text Generation: Once trained, the model can receive text prompts and instructions from users to generate written content. More advanced models can even allow for back-and-forth dialogue to refine the generated text.

Post-Processing: Some tools have additional components to analyze the raw AI-generated text and refine it. This includes grammar correction, rewriting for clarity, plagiarism checks, and more.

The goal is to create high-quality written content tailored to the user’s prompts without needing human writing or editing. The models continue to be refined as they receive more training data. Many tools also allow human-in-the-loop models where people can provide feedback to further improve the AI’s performance.

5 Key Benefits of Using AI Tools 

Here are 5 key benefits of using AI content writing tools:

5 Key Benefits of Using AI Tools 
Best Free AI Content Generator
  1. Increased Productivity – AI tools can draft full articles or reports with just a few prompts, allowing individual writers to be vastly more prolific. They act as a writing assistant, not replacing human writers entirely.
  2. Cost Savings – Paying per-word for human writers gets expensive for larger content needs. AI tools have the potential for significant long-term cost savings as their price continues falling.
  3. Faster Content Creation – Writers often struggle with writer’s block. AI tools can churn out clean drafts in seconds once given a direction, allowing writers to be more agile and responsive.
  4. Wider Content Scope – Human knowledge is limited. AI tools can generate useful content on many more niche topics that writers may not specialize in themselves by pulling from their vast training datasets.
  5. Unique Insights – More advanced AI models are exhibiting creativity and making novel connections at times human writers would likely not think of. They can spur new ideas and complementary perspectives when reviewed by humans.

However, critical human judgement, creativity and editing oversight is still essential in content creation. AI should enhance writers rather than replace them entirely. Finding the right balance is key to realizing the benefits.

SEO Optimization Tools 

SEO optimization tools have become invaluable assets for managing and improving website visibility and search engine rankings. Here are some of the key categories of SEO tools and how they benefit digital marketing:

Keyword Research Tools: Identify high-value target keywords and assess the level of competition. Examples include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

Backlink Analysis Tools: Discover where your competitors are getting quality backlinks from and identify link building opportunities. Examples are Ahrefs, Majestic, and BuzzSumo.

Website Audit Tools: Automatically scan websites to detect errors, ways to optimize speed/UI, duplicate content issues, accessibility problems, and more. Common tools are Screaming Frog, Lighthouse, and Sitebulb.

Rank Tracking Tools: Regularly check keyword rankings across search engines to measure SEO results and progress over time. Some top options are SEMrush Rank Tracking, Ahrefs Rank Tracker and Serpstat.

Content Optimization Tools: Improve on-page content with readability scores, SEO recommendations to help pages and blog posts rank better. Examples are Surfer SEO and Clearscope.

Having the right mix of these SEO software tools is invaluable for executing link-building campaigns, tracking organic growth, beating the competition, identifying technical problems, and ultimately driving more relevant traffic to websites. They provide data-driven insights that save time and help prioritize the most impactful SEO tasks.

Content Enhancement Tools

Here is an overview of some of the key AI-powered content enhancement tools:

Grammarly This tool focuses on enhancing the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall readability of written content. It provides corrections and suggestions to clean up the writing.

TextOptimer Optimization for SEO and enhancing readability are the main features here. It provides recommendations for improving content structure, word choice, links, meta descriptions and more.

Synonym Replacement Tools – These swap out overused words with their synonyms to make the writing more varied. Examples are Quillbot and Thesaurus tools built into Word Processors. 

Summarizers – They analyze longer content and generate a concise yet comprehensive summary, helping enhance clarity for readers. Tech like YouSummarize specializes in this capability.  

Sentiment & Tone Analyzers – Writers can validate if their content conveys the right emotion and tone for their target audience using AI tools like IBM Watson Tone Analyzer. 

Idea Generators – They stimulate creative thinking by surfacing innovative angles and content ideas related to an initial title or prompt. Examples are Headlime and Hubspot’s Blog Ideas Generator.

Automated Image Captioning – Computer vision models like ImagGA generate captions and alt text descriptions for images to better contextualize them in articles.

Using a mix of enhancement tools at different points in the content creation and editing process results in more engaging, higher quality content tailored to enhance SEO, readability and audience impact.

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