How to Open Discover in Google: Detailed Information for a Blogger

By Bhargab
16 Min Read

Are You a blogger & you are unable to open the Google Discover Section on Google Search Console? If you want to know How to Open Discover in Google, then this article will be very helpful for you.

Google Discover is the customizable news and content feed that lives on the leftmost screen of the Google mobile app. Formerly known as Google Feed, Discover provides a stream of personalized stories, articles, videos, and more based on your interests and search history. If you want quick access to fresh content that’s relevant to you, Google Discover can be a great resource. However, Discover is only available on mobile and isn’t immediately obvious where to find it if you’re unfamiliar with the Google app layout. In this guide, we’ll show you how to easily open Google Discover on Android or iOS devices so you can start discovering content that’s tailored for you.

If the feed ever becomes distracting, you can easily disable it. But should you want those headlines back, enabling the Discover feed again is simple. You’re also free to tailor the content to your interests – hide certain subjects or publications and highlight your favorites for a curated news experience. Whether you currently use Discover or have disabled it in the past, customizing and controlling this tool is straightforward. Let Google Discover report the news to you intelligently.

A Brief History of Google Discover

Google Discover has evolved over the past decade to become the personalized news feed it is today. Originating as “Google Now” in 2012, it pioneered the concept of proactive assistance by providing information like boarding passes, sports updates, and calendar appointments without any user prompting.

Over time, Now’s capabilities were refined and migrated to other Google services like Assistant, while the article recommendations formed the core of what became the “Google Feed.” This feed continued to refine its technology for surfacing relevant content to users.

Finally, in 2018, the service was rebranded as Google Discover to reflect its more focused role as an intelligent news provider. With a new name and look, Discover emerged as the AI-powered news portal showcasing the most interesting and timely articles for each individual user. Its rich legacy has made Discover a versatile tool for staying on top of current events.

What Is Google Discover in Google?

How to Open Discover in Google
How to Open Discover in Google

Google Discover is a personalized news feed and content discovery feature available on Android devices. Here are some key details about it:

  • It provides a tailored stream of articles, news stories, videos, and more based on your interests and previous activity in Google products.
  • The feed is accessed by swiping right from the home screen on Android devices. This reveals articles and recommended content.
  • The goal is to show users relevant and timely information without having to search for it directly. It relies on artificial intelligence to learn about you and surface appropriate suggestions.
  • Discover replaces the previous “Google Feed” and before that an earlier news product called “Google Now.” It has evolved over time as a content feed powered by Google’s machine-learning capabilities.
  • Users can choose topics to follow, dismiss recommended stories, expand content into full articles, save items for later, and manage other feed preferences from within Discover using on-screen controls.

In essence, Discover is Google’s intelligent, personalized feed designed to deliver relevant content to Android users automatically using AI algorithms without needing explicit search queries. It aims to bring you the news and information most pertinent to your interests in an easy-scrolling feed.

How Can Google Find Out What I Like?

Google Discover determines what content to serve you through various advanced techniques:

  • Browsing History: Discover looks at your browser and search history from Google products to analyze the types of articles, topics, sites, and media formats you interact with. This informs the algorithms about your interests.
  • Activity Tracking: Your activity across Google services like YouTube, news sites you visit, purchases in Gmail, and more provides data points for Discover to learn about you.
  • Machine Learning Models: Google has trained sophisticated machine learning models on large datasets to understand signals about what content aligns with specific user interests. It can classify both articles and user patterns to serve relevant discoveries.
  • Real-Time Usage: As you use Discover more by dismissing or engaging with recommendations, this provides direct feedback to the system on refining your preferences and improving future suggestions through reinforcement learning.
  • Periodic Survey Checks: Occasionally Discover will explicitly ask you with surveys about subjects you like or want to see less of to allow manually overriding its automated modeling.

So in summary, Discover is constantly monitoring your Google footprint using a variety of intelligent algorithms, ongoing usage analysis, and periodic user feedback to evolve its understanding of the content you will find useful or engaging. This allows it to keep recommendations personalized at an individual level as interests change.

How to Look at It on a Phone

Here are the steps to view Google Discover on your Android phone:

  1. Unlock your phone and go to your home screen.
  2. Swipe right on the home screen. On many Android phones, this is where the Google Discover feed is accessed.
  3. Continue swiping right to scroll through the Discover feed. The feed scrolls horizontally with articles, videos, stories, and more recommendations.
  4. Tap any card or recommendation in the feed to open and read the full article, watch a video clip, access a website link, etc.
  5. At the bottom of Discover, there may be topics and interests like “For You” and “Headlines.” Tap these segments to filter Discover to specific types of recommendations.
  6. To dismiss any card from the feed or indicate you aren’t interested, swipe up on it.
  7. To return to your home screen, swipe left or tap the home button on your Android device.

So in essence – unlock your phone, swipe right to access Discover, scroll through recommendations, tap into anything that interests you, dismiss unwanted items with a swipe up, and return home by swiping left. This personalized news stream is now easy to access whenever you want the latest content served to you by Google’s AI.

How to Personalize Google Discover

You can personalize your Google Discover feed to better match your interests. Here are some ways to tailor Discover on Android:

  • Tap your profile icon in Discover and choose “Customize Discover” to indicate topics, sources, and publishers you want to see more or less of.
  • Long press a story to signal you want to see fewer similar recommendations.
  • Likewise, tap the “+” icon on any card you enjoy to tell Discover to suggest more like it.
  • Scroll down and tap “Few videos” if you only want to read text articles.
  • Enable location permissions so Discover can serve hyperlocal news, events, sites, and deals near you.
  • Go to Google Account settings and turn “Ad Personalization” on or off based on your comfort with targeted ads that may be more relevant.
  • Consider linking services like YouTube or Google Photos so Discover has more signals to understand your preferences.

Over time, interacting positively with certain cards while dismissing unrelated ones will organically improve Discover’s relevance through Google’s AI and machine learning. Discover is designed to dynamically adapt to you. Leveraging explicit customization options accelerates personalization further.

How to Enable Google Discover on Google Search Console

Here are the steps to enable Google Discover on Google Search Console:

  1. Go to and log in with your Google account.
  2. Click on your website property for which you want to enable Discover.
  3. On the left menu, click on “Enhancements”.
  4. Under the “Structured data and enhancements” section, click on “Google Discover”.
  5. On this page, click on the toggle switch to change it from “Off” to “On”.
  6. Google will now start crawling your website’s content and evaluate whether your pages meet the requirements for appearing in Discover.
  7. You can further optimize pages by adding URL structured data, article structured data, etc. to help Google properly index and feature your content.
  8. As Google confirms your pages meet Discover guidelines and have useful content for users, your articles may start appearing in Discover feeds.
  9. Monitor your Discover traffic and impressions in the Search Console to evaluate ongoing performance.

That’s the basics! Enabling Discover integration in Search Console allows GoogleBot to properly access, evaluate, and include your content in Discover user feeds if it meets relevancy standards. Structured data and optimization can further improve eligibility.

Ways to add content to Google Discover

Here are some tips for getting your content to appear in Google Discover:

  • Optimize for mobile – Since Discover is primarily shown on mobile devices, make sure your content is formatted and optimized for mobile screens. Use responsive design, large tap targets, etc.
  • Focus on evergreen, informational content – Google wants to show content in Discover that has lasting value and teaches users something new. Avoid content that will go stale quickly.
  • Use structured data – Mark up your content with structured data, which can help Google understand the content better. Use Article, FAQPage, and HowTo schemas where appropriate.
  • Write high-quality content – Google rewards sites with original, well-researched, and expertly written content. Make sure you have in-depth, useful information written for humans, not just search engines.
  • Get links – Earn links from relevant high-authority sites in your niche. External links signal to Google that your content is valuable.
  • Be patient – It can take time for new sites or content to appear in Discover. Focus on producing lots of great content and give Google time to review and index your pages.
  • Check your site speed – Google recommends keeping page load times under 2 seconds. The faster your site, the better your chance of ranking in Discover.
  • Encourage engagement – Content with longer session times and more engagement signals may perform better. Encourage users to spend time on your pages.

The key is producing content that provides real value for users. Optimize for quality, mobile-friendliness, and engagement over trying to “game” Discover.

Try Google Web Stories to Enable Google Discover

Google Discover is optimized for delivering bite-sized content on mobile devices. The stream surfaces fresh, shareable information for users at the moment. To reach this engaged mobile audience, Google has introduced Web Stories – visually rich, full-screen stories perfect for phones.

Web Stories take the popular story format from social platforms like Instagram and Snapchat and make it open and discoverable through Google search and Discover. The immersive, tappable stories are designed for quick, captivating storytelling on the go.

Creating Web Stories is an excellent way to produce content tailored for Google Discover. The compact, mobile-first stories fit seamlessly into the Discover feed alongside articles and videos. Putting your content into story form can help you gain a presence in Discover.

Web Stories are simple to build and publish right from your WordPress site. And they are fun to create! Google displays Web Stories in Discover under “Visual Stories” on mobile devices. Give Web Stories a try to bring your content to life for the Discover audience.

Benefits of Google Discover

Here are some of the main benefits of using Google Discover:

  1. Personalization – Discover learns about your interests and preferences to serve up a customized feed of articles, news, videos, and more tailored just for you.
  2. Relevance – The content suggested by Discover aims to be timely, useful, and relevant to your habits thanks to Google’s advanced machine learning algorithms.
  3. Convenience – Get personalized content served up directly on your Android home screen without having to search yourself or install separate news apps. Easy access.
  4. Variety – Discover brings you more than just news – explore a diverse set of topics from sports, entertainment, science, culture, and more based on your tastes.
  5. Discovery – True to its name, Google Discover introduces you to new topics, publications, and media you may not come across on your own for happy surprises.
  6. Free – Access a top-notch content feed without needing any subscriptions or fees. Cost-friendly way to stay informed.
  7. Customizable – Tailor Discover with direct profile controls and by providing usage feedback overtime on which recommendations resonate for ongoing personalization.


In summary, Discover puts the power of Google’s AI to work finding custom recommended content so you needn’t hunt for articles and information related to your interests yourself. Convenient, relevant, and free news made personal.

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