IndexMeNow Review (2024): Achieving Top Google Rankings with IndexMeNow

By Bhargab
11 Min Read

Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day, making it the most influential platform for directing traffic to websites. If you want to boost visitors to your site, you need to rank highly in Google search results. However ineffective search engine optimization can leave you stuck on the second page of Google or worse. Thankfully, a solution exists – IndexMeNow.

IndexMeNow is an innovative software service that optimizes your website’s indexing in Google and other top search engines. It works by installing a tracking script on your site which allows IndexMeNow’s dedicated servers to crawl your pages more frequently. The additional crawl data is then passed directly to Google’s indexing system via API connections.

This supplementary indexing streamlines the discovery of new pages, backlinks, and content changes on your site. Pages that previously took months to index, if ever, can now be indexed within 7 days or less with IndexMeNow’s technology.

The faster indexing translates into more keywords and pages ranking higher in search results. Plus, detailed crawl analytics help diagnose and troubleshoot any outstanding indexing failures.

So if frustratingly low rankings are limiting your organic traffic despite optimization attempts, IndexMeNow’s reliable indexing software is the solution. It can unlock the full search visibility your website deserves.

What is IndexMeNow?

IndexMeNow is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that helps websites improve their indexing in search engines like Google.

The main problem it aims to solve is the issue of long indexing times and pages not getting indexed properly. Search engines have limitations in how often they can crawl websites, which leads to new pages and content taking weeks or even months to appear in search results.

IndexMeNow works by installing a tracking script on websites. This allows IndexMeNow’s network of servers to frequently crawl the sites independently and then directly pass on page and link data to Google through API connections.

So in essence, IndexMeNow supplements the regular search engine crawlers to speed up discovery and indexing of new pages and backlinks. This helps sites get new content indexed in days instead of weeks, fixes issues of pages missing from search results, and consolidates fragmented backlink data.

The faster indexing leads to better search traffic, more efficient link-building results, and saves time for website owners in checking indexing issues. So IndexMeNow is an end-to-end solution for a website’s search visibility and technical SEO needs.

How Does IndexMeNow Work?

The main way IndexMeNow improves link indexing is through its network of indexing servers. Website owners install a small tracking script on their pages which allows IndexMeNow’s servers to crawl them more frequently. The IndexMeNow servers then pass on link data directly to Google and other search engines through API integrations. This supplementary crawling helps search bots discover and index pages and links much faster.

IndexMeNow Review
How Does IndexMeNow Work?

Why Should You Use IndexMeNow?

Here are the top reasons why websites should use IndexMeNow for improving search indexing:

  1. Faster Indexing Speeds – The main benefit is accelerated indexing of new pages and backlinks in just 1-7 days, compared to 3-4 weeks typically. This ensures new content ranks faster.
  2. Higher Rankings – With faster indexing, pages start ranking quicker, leading to an overall improvement in search traffic and positions for important keywords.
  3. Eliminates Missing Pages – IndexMeNow’s supplementary crawling minimizes issues of important pages not getting indexed, which is a common problem.
  4. Consolidates Backlinks – It combines previously fragmented backlink data from multiple indexes into one profile to accurately showcase all referring domains.
  5. Detailed Analytics – Users get access to useful crawling diagnostics to pinpoint and resolve any remaining indexing failures.
  6. Increased Productivity – Less manual checking is needed for indexing issues. The software does most of the heavy lifting automatically in the background.
  7. Easy To Implement – Simple copy-paste tracking script installation takes less than 5 minutes. No advanced technical expertise is needed.
  8. Cost-Effective – Pricing starts from $10 per month, making it affordable for most websites compared to the benefits of higher traffic.

IndexMeNow saves site owners time while amplifying their SEO results through reliable indexing. It’s a value-for-money solution for websites of all sizes struggling with search visibility.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Rapid Link Indexing: By crawling pages more often and sending link data directly to Google, IndexMeNow is able to get new pages and backlinks indexed in 1-7 days, 10x faster than the industry average. This solves issues around long indexing delays.
  • Eliminates Missing Pages: Supplementary crawling ensures search bots discover even deep pages and dynamic content, getting more pages into Google’s index. No more worrying about important pages not getting indexed.
  • Fixes Broken Backlink Profiles: The direct link data transfer helps consolidate fragmented backlink profiles. Site owners can see a more complete picture of all their backlinks in one place within IndexMeNow.
  • Detailed Analytics: Users get access to analytics on daily crawls, outbound links tracked, pages discovered, and more. Easy monitoring of any indexing issues.
  • Works with All Search Engines: While the primary focus is improving Google indexing, IndexMeNow also transfers link data to Bing, Yandex, and others to boost page visibility across engines.
  • Easy Set-up: It only takes a few minutes to install the tracking script—no need to understand the technical complexities behind improving indexing.

IndexMeNow: Pricing List

IndexMeNow offers a straightforward pricing structure that scales based on the number of pages needing indexing.

Here is an overview of their pricing tiers:

Starter Pack

  • $49 for 60 credits ($0.82/URL)

Agency Pack

  • $399 for 600 credits ($0.66/URL)

Guru Pack

  • $999 for 2000 credits ($0.49/URL)
IndexMeNow Pricing List
IndexMeNow Pricing List

The Starter plan is good for small websites just getting started, while medium-sized sites with up to 100k pages get the most value from the Standard plan.

Larger companies can take advantage of higher daily crawl limits, more servers, and added search engine coverage in the Professional and Enterprise plans.

The higher tiers may offer customized solutions beyond just indexing based on client needs and budgets as well.

Overall, IndexMeNow makes robust link indexing technology affordable for organizations of most sizes.

Customer Results

In the 2+ years since its launch, IndexMeNow has helped over 5000 customers resolve their indexing problems and achieve higher rankings. Some examples of results include:

  • An SEO agency that lowered their client’s indexing time from 21 days to 3 days.
  • An e-commerce site that saw a 2x increase in organic traffic within 3 months as more of their product pages got indexed.
  • A blogger who was having issues getting their new posts indexed fast enough to stay relevant. IndexMeNow solved this problem completely.

Based on the strong customer response so far, IndexMeNow seems to have found an effective solution for link indexing bottlenecks faced by all kinds of websites.

Here is some screenshot reviews from the customer:

IndexMeNow Customer result
IndexMeNow Customer result2
IndexMeNow Customer result3
IndexMeNow Customer result 4

IndexMeNow: Pros and Cons

Here is an analysis of the main pros and cons of using IndexMeNow for improving search indexing:


  • Faster indexing speeds – Pages get indexed within 1-7 days instead of weeks, ensuring fresh content ranks quickly
  • Boosts site visibility and search traffic by enhancing overall index coverage
  • Specifically helps get new pages and deep links indexed that search bots usually miss
  • Consolidates previously fragmented backlink profiles for better analytics
  • Provides insightful crawl diagnostics to identify and fix indexing failures
  • Simple installation and onboarding work for non-technical site owners
  • Cost-effective subscription plans to suit websites of any size
  • High-quality customer support from knowledgeable indexing experts


  • Requires technical changes to be made on the website’s code to install tracking scripts
  • Only shows value after fully implementing for a few weeks for the fastest indexing
  • As an external service, website owners have to regularly monitor subscription charges
  • If discontinued, pages may get dropped from the index without consistent external crawling
  • Doesn’t optimize website content itself – just focuses on the indexing process

Overall, the indexing firepower and actionable analytics provided by IndexMeNow outweigh the relatively minor drawbacks for most websites struggling with search visibility. The speed and reliability of results make it a valuable service.


With its smart use of supplementary crawling and direct server integrations, IndexMeNow has streamlined the link indexing process for websites of all sizes. Faster indexing leads directly to growth in organic visibility and traffic. As search engine crawling limitations become more pronounced in the future, platforms like IndexMeNow will become even more critical for good SEO.

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